WP 0 will manage the overall administrative responsibility for the project and be a contact point for the consortium. The WP will provide an infrastructure which fosters communication among project partners, to ensure that the work is carried out in a timely manner and supervise the preparation and the overall quality of the deliverables.
WP leader: Vibeke Lind, NIBIO
WP 1 will select representative farms across the project agro-ecological gradient, and collect farm and regional data for these farms. The aim is to provide baseline data to WP 2, WP 3, WP 4, and WP 5.
WP leader: James Gibbons, Bangor University
WP 2 will identify circular practices, using a suite of circularity measures to enhance on-farm and/or regional circularity of mixed crop livestock systems along a climate gradient from Norway to South Africa. The WP will supply baseline data to WP3, WP4 and WP5.
WP leader: Linde du Toit, University of Pretoria
WP 3 will evaluate the effects of circular practices on GHG emissions and wider farm sustainability aspects, including the two pillars: environmental and economic. A selection of circular practices and case studies from benchmark farms will be identified from WP1 and WP2.
WP leader: Guillermo Prado, BC3
WP 4 will uncover the systemic lock-ins and levers, in order to boost adoption and out-scaling of the circular practices studied in early adopter farms and other stakeholders. By “system lock-ins” we refer to aspects of the system that generate a reinforcing feedback of incumbent technologies, institutional settings, practices, norms, and mind-sets that prevent change. “Levers” refer to points in the system where a strategically tailored intervention can create positive lasting change.
WP leader: Lampros Lamprinakis, NIBIO
WP 5 will draw conclusions from the project for farmers, other food chain actors, policy-makers and researchers. An analysis will identify scaling, inter-system linkage and downstream effects, associated with out-scaling of circular, mixed farming system strategies to regions and beyond.
WP leader: David Styles, University of Galway
WP 6 will communicate the consortiums findings and research resources, and promote interaction with key stakeholders and policy developers. All partners are necessarily involved. WP 6 will also manage and coordinate the communications and dissemination strategy of the project, and the project website.
WP leader: Vibeke Lind, NIBIO