Drone measurements at ILRIs Kapiti farm in Kenya. The tests are part of a bigger effort under CircAgric-GHG, that is collecting data and testing the methodology for ruminant methane emission
Drone measurements at ILRIs Kapiti farm in Kenya. The tests are part of a bigger effort under CircAgric-GHG, that is collecting data and testing the methodology for ruminant methane emission
Evaluating local foraging resources in Italy using remote sensing and productivity modelling. In the Italian Alps, the use of mountain pastures and traditional pastoral methods is on the decline. Researchers
Researchers have assessed the carbon footprints of dairy farms in 5 European countries. Farm management practices explained up to 79% of the variation in carbon footprints, which implies potential for
Pasture can reduce carbon footprint from sheep production by almost one third. Transhumant sheep systems, both by foot and lorry, achieve relatively low carbon footprint, compared to sedentary farms. Mobility
Circular pasture-based dairy production. On the Solohead Research Farm in Ireland, Teagasc Livestock Systems are testing systems of pasture-based dairy production with minimal external inputs, and as much internal circularity
Bakery by-products as feed ingredient for lactating cows may increase milk production and lower global warming potential. An Italian case study shows promising results for adding bakery by-products as a
What do farmers perceive as barriers, possibilities, and solutions to circular agriculture? The CircAgric-project conducted two workshops with farmers in Norway in October and November (2023). The farmers were prompted
Opportunities and barriers to adopting circular practices in UK agriculture. Dialogue with stakeholders is an important part of the CircAgric-GHG project. Project partner Bangor University have arranged two online workshops
Circ-Agric mid-term meeting were held in Galway, Ireland. During the meeting, we visited a dairy farm that is part of the project to James Humphreys, Teagasc. James is following 20+
Researchers use drones with advanced measurement equipment to estimate greenhouse gas emissions from the ground. In August 2023, Norbert Pirk and Alouette van Hove from the University of Oslo(UiO) visited
Flying a mere 9 meters above the grasslands at Kapiti, ILRI’s Research Station and Wildlife Conservancy, a drone not only took pictures of the landscape and livestock inhabitants, but was also measuring methane emissions from herds of ruminants (camels, goats, cows and sheep that digest plant-based food in a specialized stomach, resulting in methane production as a by-product). This was the first time that a drone was used to measure emissions from livestock on the African continent.
Forskere fra åtte land skal undersøke hva europeiske og afrikanske bønder kan lære av hverandre. Prosjektet CircAgric-GHG skal gi økt kunnskap om resirkulering og smart ressursbruk, samt metoder for å redusere klimagassutslipp fra gårder og beite.